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Doctor of Ministry Degree

The Doctor of Ministry Degree


The Doctor of Ministry degree program is designed to provide ministry analysis, guidance, and training
to increase ministerial competency. The study programs seek to provide direction in Biblical Studies and Judaic Studies.



The Doctor of Ministry Degree Program


If you have been looking or an evangelical trans-denominational Doctor of Ministry Degree program that emphasizes the Jewish foundations of the Bible, is taught by a well-credentialed, experienced and caring faculty, at a seminary compassionate fee schedule geared to those in ministry, you have come to the right place. The DMin program is offered to qualified men and women currently engaged in ministry. The Seminary is here to serve you, and it is our goal to help you reach your full ministry potential.


Philosophy of the Program


The quality and success of the several ministries represented in the Seminary's DMin program are usually largely determined by one's communication skills, both oral and written. It is the task of the DMin program to assist students to so craft their spiritual gifts, in writing, speaking, and other leadership abilities, that they may be able to serve with distinction.



Objectives of the Doctoral Program


This individualized program provides the student with the ability to do the following:

  1. Demonstrate an advanced understanding and integration of ministry in relation to biblical, historical, theological and professional disciplines;

  2. Articulate a comprehensive and critical theory of ministry and apply that theory to his/her specific leadership;

  3. Explore new ministry perspectives;

  4. Evaluate his or her own ministry and ministry skills;

  5. Clarify his or her vision and crystallize his or her understanding of why he or she is in ministry; and,

  6. Demonstrate skills, competencies, and compassion that are required for the practice of ministry at its most mature and effective level. These skills and competencies include abilities in Biblical exposition, communication, administration, research and writing, and personal relationship.



Program Advantages


Because the Seminary is a small school, the student can benefit from a personalized curriculum taught
in a family-like atmosphere. The Seminary's program fosters personal attention to student development, and as such, local area students can get to know each other well and their instructors as mentors in
the learning process.


The DMin program at St. Petersburg Seminary and Yeshiva includes use of the tutorial model. The main features of the tutorial model are these: 1) it provides the greatest level of flexibility for adapting to different kinds of ministry programs, 2) it provides the flexibility distance students need, and 3) the student's personal advisor will be there to guide him or her in every step of the way. Under the tutorial model the student and his or her advisor will develop an individualized program, including determination as to what credits may be transferred into the program and / or what extra courses may be needed. This means that by utilizing the tutorial model, the DMin program will be uniquely tailored to the student's needs and interests.



Conditions of Enrollment


Consecutive, continuous enrollment is required until all doctoral study is completed and all graduation requirements are fulfilled. Students complete the program at their own pace but are required to pay for a minimum of 36 credits and be continuously enrolled for at least 24 months. Students who take longer are responsible for continuous enrollment by registering for one continuing matriculation credit (TRW 6971) each fall and spring term, at the doctoral tuition rate, through the last term in which all graduation requirements are fulfilled and academic materials are received in the office in final form (see p. 18, "Continuing Matriculation Requirement"). The deadline date for the receipt' of all fully approved final evaluations, documents, and program requirements is mid-April (see Academic Calendar) in order to graduate in May (adjustments to this schedule may be made for distance students). The actual time required to complete the program depends on the student's background and the amount of time devoted to studies (assuming all required courses are taken as they are offered).



Admission and Requirements of the DMin Degree Program


Admission Requirements: In addition to satisfying the Seminary's regular admission requirements
(items 4, 5, & 6 below), the DMin applicant normally must possess:


  1. A recognized Master of Divinity degree or equivalent (see NOTE below);

  2. A 3.0 minimum grade point average, with evidence of potential for work at the doctoral level, including the submission of three previously completed graduate-level papers to demonstrate the applicant's ability to write on the post-graduate level;

  3. Involvement in three years of full-time experience in an appropriate ministry, positively evaluated by the applicant's peers, with the applicant normally being a minimum of 30 years of age at the time of admission;

  4. The completion of application forms and payment of the required admission fee;

  5. Submission of three references from his or her pastor or rabbi, or ministerial colleague or supervisor, a former teacher, and a general reference;

  6. Submission of official transcripts for all post-secondary college and graduate studies.



NOTE: "MDiv equivalency" is defined as:


Note 1: A student who does not have an MDiv from an accredited institution, and desires to work toward MDiv equivalency, must first enroll in the MDiv program, as he or she pursues "equivalency."

Note 2 An MRS degree from SPSY is equivalent to the MDiv."


  1. MDiv equivalency includes, in general, the courses required in the MDiv program, or courses with equivalent content, totaling 72 cr. hrs., plus 6 cr. hrs. of the Biblical languages, N.T. Greek or O.T. Hebrew. The student's adviser will determine for which MDiv required courses the particular program courses may be substituted.

  2. For a DMin in Biblical Studies:
    a. An applicant who already has 48 cr. hrs. in biblical/theological studies, including 6 cr. hrs. in the Biblical languages, and any other graduate prerequisite courses not already taken (see p.25), is required to add 30 cr. hrs. of Biblical Studies courses at the graduate level, (for a total of 78 cr. hrs.), to attain MDiv equivalency.
    b. An applicant with a master's degree in Biblical Studies (36 cr. hrs.) must complete all of the graduate prerequisite courses (up to 30 cr. hrs., see p. 23), substituting others, approved by the student's adviser, for those already taken, plus 2 more courses, approved by the student's advisor, as well as 6 cr. hrs. of a biblical language (for a total of 78 cr. hrs.), to attain MDiv equivalency.

  3. For a DMin in Judaic Studies:
    a. An applicant who already has 48 cr. hrs. in Judaic and/or biblical studies (undergraduate and graduate), including 6 cr. hrs. in the Biblical languages, is required to take the master's level prerequisite courses not already taken (see p. 23), plus additional Judaic and / or biblical studies courses at the graduate level, in consultation with his or her advisor, to total 75 cr. hrs., to attain MDiv equivalency.
    b. An applicant with a master's degree in Judaic (45 cr. hrs.) and/or biblical (36 cr. hrs.) studies, must complete all of the graduate prerequisite courses not already taken (see p. 23), plus additional courses in Judaic and/or biblical studies, in consultation with his or her advisor, to total 78 cr. hrs., to attain MDiv equivalency.



Course Prerequisites for the DMin Program:


  1. A minimum of six credits in the biblical languages, Greek and/or Hebrew. This derives from the requirement to have an MDiv or the equivalent;

  2. *CJS 3/5513 Tanakh: The Beginnings o/the Jewish People (= CJS 3/5313 Jewish Roots and Foundations of Scripture, 1), 3 credits;

  3. *CJS 3/5523 The Apostolic Writings: The Early Messianic Jewish Community (= CJS 3/5323 Jewish Roots and Foundations of Scripture, II) 3 credits; *Note: Non-St. Petersburg Seminary and Yeshiva graduates entering the Doctor of Ministry program will be required to take these two courses as their first of five required areas of research. Doctoral students taking these classes will be required to do additional research beyond the basic course content.

  4. TRW 6973 Thesis Writing and Research Design, 3 credits This course is an introduction to the tools of research. Students will learn to organize their materials into a coherent and usable whole in order to be able to write effectively. The student and area professor will design the Master's thesis, project or doctoral dissertation. It should be designed to meet the interests of the student.



The Design of the Degree Program


The St. Petersburg Seminary and Yeshiva DMin program is designed to provide ministry analysis, guidance and training to increase ministerial competency. The study program seeks to provide direction in four ministry areas: Research / Writing, Bible-based communication, Administration / Leadership, and Personal Development.


When the applicant is notified of his or her acceptance into the DMin program he or she will be assigned a faculty advisor whose credentials and expertise best match the student's interests. Each student will write a proposal paper describing the problem statement, the precedent literature, the methodology, how findings will be handled, and possible conclusions and recommendations toward which the study is directed. The student in consultation with his or her assigned faculty adviser will design a program consisting of five areas of study of six credits each, each with a research component, and the dissertation or research project. Keep in mind the goal: the completed work will make a new application of the current theory in the major field.



Doctoral Candidacy


Admission to the DMin program is not acceptance into candidacy for the degree. The student will be recognized as a candidate for the degree only after the successful completion of the five six-hour courses (30 credits) with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or above, the completion of any entrance deficiencies, and the recommendation of the faculty. A candidate must display proficiency in the integration of course work and demonstrate the ability to complete the degree requirements with evidence of writing skills appropriate to doctoral level work.



Maintaining Matriculation for the DMin Degree


Consecutive, continuous enrollment is required until all doctoral study is completed and all graduation requirements are fulfilled. Students complete the program at their own pace but are required to pay for a minimum of 36 credits and to be continuously enrolled for a minimum of 24 months. Students who need more time to complete their dissertation or project are required to maintain continuous enrollment by registering for one credit hour (TRW 6971), at the doctoral tuition rate, for each fall or spring term until all graduation requirements are fulfilled and academic materials are received in the office in final form. No more than 9 matriculation continuation credits may be accumulated and these credits do replace any other requirement of the doctoral program.



DMin Courses


  1. If the student is required to complete CJS 3/5513 Tanakh: The Beginnings of the Jewish People (= CJS 3/5313 Jewish Roots and Foundations of Scripture, /), and CJS 5523, The Apostolic Writings: The Early Messianic Jewish Community, these constitute one block of 6 cr. hrs., paid at the doctoral tuition rate.

  2. Depending on the area of study for the dissertation, the student will then enroll in one of the following courses, either 4 (if Jewish Roots I and II are taken) or 5 times successively, to accumulate a total of 30 cr. hrs.

  3. The student will then enroll in DDP 8006 (6 cr. hrs.) to write the dissertation.


The DMin course listings are:


Doctoral Tutorial in Judaic Studies

Directed independent research on some aspect of the field of Judaic Studies. Limited to doctoral and advanced students, subject to the consent of the professor, and may only be repeated by matriculated doctoral students.

CJS  |  8910

6 credits, repeatable 


Doctoral Tutorial in Biblical Studies

Directed independent research on some aspect of the field of Judaic Studies. Limited to doctoral and advanced students, subject to the consent of the professor, and may only be repeated by matriculated doctoral students.

BIE  |  8910

6 credits, repeatable


Doctoral Tutorial in Rabbinics

Directed independent research on some aspect of the field of Biblical Studies. Limited to doctoral and advanced students, subject to the consent of the professor, and may only be repeated by matriculated doctoral students.

CJS  |  8911

6 credits, repeatable


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